Thursday, May 28, 2009

Workshop Month

This June is my workshop & Training month. Never have tight schedule like this before te....phew...

*01-03 June : workshop
* 9-12 June : workshop
* 22-26 June : Training
*29 June- 03 July : workshop

Not really remember of the workshop & training on ey klas te....hehe.....

Mech, TT n other, I might be late for lunch with u guys na.... :P


TD said...

doch chkourt cheng!!!
A reoung lunch neng, men chea sa'ey te.
heuy a reoung workshop neng kor men ey der.
What is "ey" nus keu, me and a mech ot ban enjoy the trip like u te..

men te a mech?????

Tom said...

douch chkourt mech? a reoung workshop neng mok chea men ey for u heuy, ter ey for me na....

Enjoy trip just after workshop neng, ter la'or cherng ot ban enjoy der nor...hehe...

Oh, u enjoy der ter at the end of June nos after exam tiet, Ban go to KR second times...loy nas...

Nita said...

For me Eh!? Beu ban go abroad very often like u cheng nuh, kmean ey kuor oy thunh te; just workshop neng.!!