Yesterday, we –Mech and me—had Suki soup as our lunch at Soriya with Bandith after 4 years away to US (Welcome Back home na even u just visit here) and Vattana after 6 years never meet. They are our friend since high school. Got permission from them already to post their pic in here:

TT eur sorry na that we went there this time ot mean u nos. u no, we sit at the same table tiet nor, nek kheurn u der ter men deng tver mech, so just enjoy ya time with a Polin in Korea tov na while i enjoy my time in here with a Mech...hehe... See, a Mech try to show u a sushi fish ball and a glass of coke.
While waiting for them, I got a new pair of shoes tiet heuy. Is it nice?
Actually, a Mech te nak want to buy shoes nos ter ber chea me nak get it vinch. Oh gosh, not yet a month phorng I got 2 pairs of shoes already….oh oh….Am I really a shoes lover? Ah, this was bcos of them if they didn’t let me wait and a Mech ot asked to look for it, I will not spent on it te.
Seem not relevant to my topic nor, ter just want to show off my new shoes tech te…hehe… By the way, the pics below were our lunch before New Year Day (just 13 hours before New Year). Actually no plan for it but could not find restaurants around NBC as they were closed for New Year.
Not a lot for 5 girls, rite? (had grill wing chicken n coke tiet, ter ot ban took its pic). We –a Mech, TT, a Kap, Dany, and Me, could finish almost, left only a slide of pizza.
Yummy Yummy ne… :P
Mok pi neak luok neng ot mean my size, only Tom's available that's y i bought ot ban tiet houy.
I still wanna have pizza again, esp.chikcen wing. But Cham T mok vinh sen tov kom oy she gets upset. :P
Hey, so far A P.lin seemed not to join us sos. Maybe leng ter enjoy with her bang bang houy mel tov.!!
Must be heuy, leng ter enjoy with her bang bang nos ban ey mok join us nos...
envious eat eat..m here eating KOICA food,,know what? tom euy,,,everything in here is very similar to IFIC nas.....
Oh,,that shoes,,seem used to see in that shop, just that not that high heel..almost bought der neng during that time..but hmmm,,nice it too.
Shoes here na ,,oh oh,,,,even more beautifull,,buttttttt gosh,,too expensive...a na i like nus,,,always more than can i afford nus?
K lah,,,,cham pel i back tov,,oh but don't know, i might gain weight tiet heuy cuz of this kind of KOICA/IFIC food.
Haha....kech ot rouch pi IFIC food, hot dog, egg,... enjoy it tov na; just too week te. suppose tha KOICA neng IFIC tov; so u ll not miss JP...lolzzzz...Gain weight bcos of KOICA/IFIC food, not bcos of Korean food te ey? miss Korean food in JP nas, the one that v had in Akihabara nos...
Yes, c in that shop u der heuy ter ot der neng kheurng try it, pel try tov like it kor buy tov. wow wow wow, ey kor expensive mles, if u buy here u can buy 10 pairs of shoes na...hehe...
enjoy all ur happy time !
men neng...hmmmm..KOICA food,,,lep leng chol heuy by today nus. my last day heuy..but hav to bear another lunch..cuz broke heuy.
shoes neng??? srok tek mouth khlak khlak,,gorgeous..te ot luy..cheng even look, kor ot hean look der,,khlach tup chet men ban..chot kat ..lolz
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