Monday, April 6, 2009

Where I went last week

Went there for MOU singing ceremony btw NBC & BNM.

Not enjoy it te cos so tired as went to bed late every night n need to get up early every morning; but what i enjoyed the most is food....hehe... here are they:

Yummy Yummy !!! TT, I ate that Susi for u already...lolzzzz....


Nita said...

Food tech tech cheng eat mech chaet?:P

Tom said...

ot mean full ey tech te, khom drink oy chaet...hehe... Pel i finished everything, ke tha oy me eat ey kor chreun mles.

Anonymous said...

where is it Tom? Really wanna go...look very yummmy...

Tom said...

In Siem Reap.

Sothy said...

Very nice food! i miss japanese food! Have not had it since I left my graduate school. Who is TT?

Tom said...

It's really nice it. hey, Just go to eat it n ask me to go phorng na...lolzzzz... ah, jos last time that u said u went to have it with ur colleagues nos?

TT is TD(also,Princess Tale), my friend and also studied with me in JP. Ah, U also Thy der nor.