Monday, April 20, 2009

New Year Trip

Where did i go during this new year? Just visit aunt in Siem Reap for 2 days and then visit uncle and his family in Battambang for another 2 days (Really visit them? hehe... + went for walk also cos pel der leng, they didn't join phorng... :P)

Sunset in Battambang

Grape fruit in Banon, Battambang

Banon Temple, Battambang


Sotpolin said...

oh oh tom tom, der leng dol houey nos. Two provinces?

Miss me ort? I bet you do...:P

Tom said...

Der leng jeng heuy. Sman ter lov both of u der leng choul me nos. Mech enjoy there ot?

Who r u to me nos, huh, der trov oy me miss nos...lolzzz...if u have a big n nice stuff fr there for me, mayb i should misssssss u...haha... :P

Sophornvichet said...

must be hapy hoy ban der leng two prinvices...
me, only stay home :(
oh man tak some fruite for me ort ?

Tom said...

sure. Take ter, take it pic nos ey; just enjoy seeing that pic tov ban heuy na...lolzzzzzz

Rumony said...

i like this took a picture?

Tom said...

Yes, i took it by myself. Learning how to be good photographer...lolzzzz..