Friday, April 24, 2009

Stuck in office

It rained like cat n dog this afternoon. My office gonna flood soon if it still rain,...kom ey ban drive boat in office batt...hehe... but in front of NBC flood heuy n flood mostly everywhere tiet, luy tek with a Mech, Dany, n my bro. tov FTB n dad's office...hmmm....

Now in Dad's office, could not go home te, 7.30pm heuy nis, cos of traffic jam outsite, traffic jam before 5pm until come? Pel na tov ban ban go home nos, surfing internet lern tunh heuy... :(


TD said...

ohh ohh,,now it is also raining like cat and dog also,
hmmm..flooded pp tiet hheuy...hope everyone and everything is safe and sound.

Sotpolin said...

oh tom tom i heard tha ur office ning got flooded...Mech houey??? Can you swim? if you do, u will be fine...:P

Tom said...

hmmm, rain like cat n dog mostly everyday morng.

Thy, if rain like last Fr, u also could not go home like me cos ur car could not swim...lolzzz... u no alot of NBCer also stuck in office; so not only me...hehe...

Plin er, even i can't swim, m still fine na.

Nita said...

Kit ter eng tov, Plin euy, if u were here, you'd have drown min khan te cos flood here neng, deeper than ur height tiet nor. :P

Sophornvichet said...

Anyone interesting shares omnoy for Tom's office ?

TD said...

hmmm,,mech kor weather these days in PP pibak mless? rainy season has come already? no?